As per a leading dailies report, SBI has withdrawn the initial waiver announced in respect of processing fee on top up loans, corporate, builder and home loans. The circular from the bank said, “The waiver will continue for proposals sourced up to October 15 and likewise the complete waiver of the consolidated processing fee which was to be extended through the festivities until December now stands withdrawn.


In respect of individual borrowers, processing charges come to be 0.4% and that works to be in the range of Rs. 10000- Rs. 30000. And in case of builders it is a flat amount of Rs. 5000.

This has been effected after the RBI has cut key policy rate for the 5th time in a row in view of the sluggish economy and comfortable inflation levels.

Other charges such as prepayment charges and Central Registry of Securitisation Asset Reconstruction and Security Interest registration fee may further be hiked at a future time.


Jan 23, 2023

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