Here’s a list of lead capture forms you can add to your site:

a) Welcome Mats

b) Exit intent Pop-ups

c) Slide in Pop-ups

d) Countdown Timers

e) Welcome Discounts

f) Inline Forms

g) Floating Bars

h) Lead Qualification Pop-ups

Some lead capture forms which usually convert great for us are slide in pop-ups and exit intent pop-ups.

Lead capture forms can be omnipresent on all your pages or be unique to your content for a specific page.

But having a lead capture form is not enough.

You need to double it down by powering it with great copy that offers something of value to your site visitors. 

A simple rule to follow for writing great copy is offering them something which solves their specific pain point and gives them instant gratification.

For example:

“How to do x (some instant solution solving a very specific pain point) in 15 minutes”


“How to do x (some instant solution solving a very specific pain point) without Y (something bad like expensive resources, length of time, etc.)”

Pro tip: Now let’s go all elite with this. One thing you can do to maximize your results from lead capture forms is to use countdown timers.

Have a countdown timer slide in form. The copy of the form can offer a free product/report giving an instant solution to their specific pain in exchange for them signing up for your newsletter.

The countdown timer works great for us as it instantly catches attention, adds excitement and urgency.

How to convert these leads into repeat customers?

Now that you got your lead, what should be the next step in converting them into customers for your business?

The key is to nurture your leads by demonstrating your expertise.

How to do you demonstrate your expertise?

By actually helping them solve a problem they have.

The idea is to take them from point A of pain (where they are currently at) to point B of relief from that pain (where they want to be).

You can do this in many ways. Some top ones are:

1. Give useful tips on how to get towards the solution and tying it up with your product.

2. Give detailed case studies with respect to their niche.

3. Give free trials and demos where you demonstrate in real time how you can help them.


Feb 23, 2023

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